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So You Lost Your Office Keys, Now What?

It’s happened to all of us. You’re standing outside somewhere searching for your keys to get into through the door when you realize you don’t have them. Now, this is a pretty scary feeling if you’re trying to get in your house or your car, but what if you happened to be trying to go to work when you realized your lost keys were an issue?

What if either by your actions or an employee’s actions, you’ve lost the keys to your office space? You’ll have to take inventory of a lot of things you might not realize before you go about solving this problem.

In case you’re ever in a tight spot without the keys to your office, let’s go through the process you need to complete before you can rest easy once again.


I’ve Been Locked Out of My Office, What Now?

The first step you need to take after getting locked out of your office is to think about your lost keys and remember what type of key you had. Was it a standard metal key, an electronic keycard, or a key fob? If your office is inside another building, it might require three or more keys to get to your actual office.

Are there multiple lost keys, or just one? If you have only lost the key to your suite, you’ll have a much easier time getting it replaced then you if you lost all your keys.

In the case of the latter, you may need to contact the building owner or another authority figure to get your lost keys replaced. If you need to get all the locks in the entire building replaced due to a commercial lockout, everybody with a key will need to turn it in and wait for the new key sets to arrive.

But if you’re missing the keys to your actual suite, it’s time to get them replaced as well. You don’t know where they might have ended up and it will be much safer to get new locks and keys rather than worry about someone burglarizing your office randomly.


Office Lockout Protocol

As soon as you realize you need to get your locks and keys replaced, you’ll need to contact a commercial locksmith. Once you get a hold of an emergency locksmith, you’ll need to see how quickly they can come out. It’s essential that you get whatever locks and keys replaced you need as soon as possible. You want to give potential thieves or criminals as small of a window as possible to get into your business.

A good emergency locksmith should be able to come out the same day you call them and begin replacing locks and keys. The process might take as little as a day or as long as 2 weeks depending on how many locks you need to replace and the keys you need created.

Either way, your lost keys will soon be a problem of the past as your locksmith sets you up with everything you need. This is also a good time to remind your employees about the importance of hanging on to their keys and not losing them.

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