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Car Locks 101: Key Fob Replacement Guidelines for a Sedan

In the old days, replacing your car key was about as simple as going down to your local hardware store and having them cut you a new key. The process was simple, cheap and quick. This simplicity is also the reason why theft was so common. Nowadays, advanced security systems have made cars far less vulnerable to theft, but unfortunately, it makes getting a key fob replaced a little more difficult. Here’s our short guide on car key replacement and everything you need to know to make the process so you can get back on the road in no time at all.


Key Fob vs. Standard Key

These days a wide range of car models come with key fobs which are different from standard keys. A key fob is typically a combination of either a key, transponder, and keyless entry remote. These days, many cars utilize push-button start technology so you may not even have a physical key to put in the ignition anymore. Instead, the vehicle will start based on the key fob proximity to the ignition. This process is much different than the old standard key with no bells and whistles attached to it.


Sources of Problems

There are many reasons why your key fob may not be functioning correctly, and you could be experiencing frequent auto lockouts. Sometimes, it’s as simple as needing to replace the battery in it. There may be other problems as well. If the physical key has damage, it may not turn correctly in the ignition, or there may be an electronics problem. Even if your keys are somewhat damaged, it may be possible to use some components to help facilitate the car key replacement process.

key fob


Lost or Stolen Keys

If your keys have been lost or stolen, then it will make the job more complicated. Think about it like this, with some even malfunctioning old keys; it gives a technician something to work with. Without it, they have to start from scratch. When you lose your keys, you have two options, which are to go to your dealership or a certified locksmith.

Your car dealer will have the information necessary to provide you with a new set of keys. However, as with all repairs dealerships are overpriced and can often take a very long time to complete the job. And, of course, like any trip to the dealership, they’ll mysteriously find something else wrong or try to squeeze you into upgrading to a newer model of your vehicle.


The Locksmith Advantage

The benefits of using a locksmith are that it saves you time as you are not forced to go the dealership (and how can you if you don’t have your keys!) Instead, our locksmiths can meet you anytime, anywhere. Best of all, we can do the job on the spot and for a fraction of the cost of the dealership. In many cases, we can meet you and have the job finished in less than an hour. So whether you need old school or smart key repair, a new set of locks for your office our locksmith San Diego team is here to help you with all your needs!

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